Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our website. At Pants Store your satisfaction and sense of privacy is a priority for us, so we take a number of steps to ensure your safety and to give you a pleasurable shopping experience with us. This includes respecting and protecting the privacy of personal information that we obtain through our site and from visits and purchases at our stores.

We are always ready to address your questions and concerns regarding our privacy practices. Please feel free to contact us through one of the following methods:

By Email:

By Mail:  

The Taylor Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 127
Leeds, AL 35094

Credit Card Numbers
When you make a purchase at, your personal information collected is used to complete your order. Your credit card transaction is conducted through a secure server. Your credit card number is stored only long enough for a charge to be made to it. Once the charge is completed, the number is removed from our server to guarantee your safety and privacy.

E-mail Addresses
We understand the annoyance of receiving junk e-mail. So, we want you to know that your e-mail address will never be given out or sold to any outside party, even ones that you might be interested in. This ensures that when you give your e-mail address to us for ordering or account purposes, you will not receive any other e-mail resulting from that action. Our regular e-mails are limited to order confirmations, customer questions, and possibly an optional newsletter. If you have an account with us, you may choose to not receive our newsletter if we offer one.

Personal Information
We never give out your e-mail address, as described above. Any names or addresses provided will only be used by you the customer, and by us, Pants Store for ordering or shipping purposes. It is important to note that there is always risk associated with disclosing any information and in particular with regard to method of disclosure used. For example, email communication cannot be guaranteed as secure, so there is a risk inherent in the use of email. Please be aware of this when requesting information or sending forms to us by email (for example, from the “Contact Us” section of our website). We recommend that you do not include any confidential information (e.g., credit card information) when using email. For your protection, our email responses to you will not include any confidential information.
